
Come Lord Jesus

Come Lord Jesus, come redeem us, we will wait for You

You will flood our souls with light
Bring the broken world to rights
As You swallow death with life
We will be singing…

Come Lord Jesus, come redeem us, we will wait for You
When the night gives way to the light our hearts will know it is You

Alternate Line: When the night gives way to the light our hearts will recognize You
And still waters You will stir
As we’re changed from who we were
No longer ‘neath’ the curse
You’ll find us singing…

We reach for You with hopeful longing
We join the earth in all it’s groaning
And the trees will clap their hands
And the rocks will join the song

Written by: Diane Thiel

CCLI#5575886 ©2009 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing (ASCAP). Admin. worldwide by Vineyard Music. www.vineyardmusic.com All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used By Permission.

Added: 2015-01-23