
The Feast

There’s a banquet laid for us
Father, you call usYou welcome us
To taste and see
That you are good

Now we come to feast
Now we come to feast
This is what we were made for

Your presence is the feast
Your presence is the feast
You are more than enough for us

Your blessing and your favour rest
On all who hunger, all who thirst
We receive
Our daily bread
You satisfy

Written by: Harmony Smith

Harmony Smith & Chris Hutchinson CCLI Number: 7004791 © 2013 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) www.vineyardrecords.co.uk International Copyright secured. All rights reserved. Used by permission. To reproduce this music setting for church usage, both a Church Copyright License and a Music Reproduction License are required. To obtain a license or for further information visit www.ccli.com

Added: 2013-01-16