

Grace for the humble, strength for the weak
A hand for all who stumble, a salve for all who bleed

Jesus wipe away our tears, Spirit drive away our fears

Come to the mountain, to Zion we will run
Here we find shelter, safe from rain and storm

A mighty fortress is our God, covered by His love and blood
A mighty fortress is our God, covered by His love and blood

Though the wild winds blow through this raging storm
Though the dark – ness presses in, we’ll find shelter here

Written by: David Ruis

CCLI# 6190064 © 2012 MERCY/VINEYARD PUBLISHING (ASCAP) Admin. worldwide by Vineyard Music. www.vineyardmusic.com All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used By Permission. RESTING PLACE – Club Vineyard Vol. 75 (CVD700200)

Added: 2015-01-23