Fill Us Again

Like a deer panting for the water
So my soul thirsts after you
I have tasted of your goodness
Now nothing else will do

So come fill us again
Come fill us again
Come fill us again
Come fill us again

So come fill us again
Come fill us again
Pour out your Spirit
We’re hungry for more

Like a fire, like a flood,
Like a wind, like a dove
Would you come, like you have before
O Spirit of the living God,
Come and fall afresh on us
We know, that there’s always more

Written by: Dave Miller, Nigel Briggs

CCLI Number: 7087149 © 2017 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) International Copyright secured. All rights reserved. Used by permission. To reproduce this music setting for church usage, both a Church Copyright License and a Music Reproduction License are required. To obtain a license or for further information visit

Added: 2017-07-04